July 2, 2024

Today, we’ll be trading with the Detroit Pistons. Though we won’t have to give up all of our assets since we’ll be trading with a rebuilding team, there also won’t be much to get back. I eventually settle on this trade:

Sixers-Pistons trade

Bojan isn’t a big step down from Tobias, and we get solid bench pieces in Livers and Burks as well. After completing the trade, this is what our team looks like:

2023 Sixers

This is what they look like at the beginning of next season:

2024 Sixers

They did my man Embiid dirty. Let’s see what we can do with this roster.

2024 Sixers results

We win just 46 games, dooming us to the play-in tournament. We finished with the top offense in the league thanks in part to the shooting with got from the Pistons trade, but our defense was horrendous, finishing 27th.

We win our play-in game but fall to the Celtics in the first round in a gentleman’s sweep. Mark that trade down as a failure.

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