July 1, 2024

Today, we’ll be trading with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Even though BasketballGM (for some reason) thinks they’re contending, I believe we can get an awesome deal done anyway.

Sixers-Wolves trade

We offer Harris, Melton, and all of our firsts for KAT. This what our team looks like by the start of the next season:

2024 Sixers

This is definitely something we could work with. This is how the season plays out:

2024 Sixers results

Predictably, we had the best offense in the league again, but our defense was atrocious, ranked 25th. That was also fairly predictable considering who we gave up and who we were bringing in, but I still think we’re good enough to win it all.

In the playoffs, KAT gets injured during a Game 1 win, and we lose the next four to the Pacers. I can’t even be mad anymore.

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