July 2, 2024

Today, we’re going to trade with the Memphis Grizzlies. This is the trade we’ll do:

Sixers-Grizzles trade

We’ll get a former DPOY and a solid backup big in Steven Adams. This is our team after the trade:

2023 Sixers

This will be our roster during the 2023-24 season:

2024 Sixers

These are the season results:

2024 Sixers results

We win 55 games, good for the top seed in the East. We played stellar on both ends, with the fifth best offense and the seventh best defense. Despite being heavy favorites, we were taken to seven games by the Detroit Pistons in the first round. We found our footing after that and swept the Chicago Bulls in the second round. We then beat the Raptors in six games to clinch a spot in the Finals, where we would go on to lose to the Lakers in five games. Still, we reached the Finals, and Boston didn’t even make the playoffs, so the trade was a success.

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