July 2, 2024

Today, we’ll be trading with the Miami Heat. I’m not gonna mince words. I want Jimmy Butler back in Philly.

Sixers-Heat trade

This is the trade we end up doing. We’re losing a lot of depth to make this happen, but I think we’ll be better off for it when all is said and done. Here is our team now:

2023 Sixers

And here is our team at the start of the next season:

2024 Sixers

Jimmy Butler tears his ACL 25 games into the season, and the injury bug doesn’t stop there:

2024 Sixers midseason

This is our team at the All-Star break. Our three best players are injured, and we have a losing record. It isn’t looking good for us.

2024 Sixers results

After losing 60 games from Buter, 17 games from Maxey, and the usual 20ish games from Embiid, we don’t even make the play-in tournament. In fifteen sims, we didn’t have a team nearly this bad. We had a top ten offense like usual, but our defense was putrid, finishing 28th. With a full season of Butler, I know we would have been much better, but I’m convinced at this point that God simply does not want Butler to play for us. Oh, well.

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